Manual de seguridad informática - II
Chequear la configuración
El programa amcheck es el encargado de chequear una determinada configuración de backup y mostrar mensajes de error si algo está mal.
Por ejemplo:
# su -s /bin/bash backup -c "/usr/sbin/amcheck BackupUsuarios"
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
slot 14: volume 'EtiquetaDisco14'
Will write to volume 'EtiquetaDisco14' in slot 14.
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
NOTE: host info dir /etc/amanda/BackupUsuarios/curinfo/ does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run.
NOTE: index dir /etc/amanda/BackupUsuarios/index/ does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run.
NOTE: host info dir /etc/amanda/BackupUsuarios/curinfo/ does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run.
NOTE: index dir /etc/amanda/BackupUsuarios/index/ does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run.
Server check took 0.608 seconds
Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
Client check: 2 hosts checked in 2.179 seconds. 0 problems found.
(brought to you by Amanda 3.3.6)
Como vemos, no hay errores, pero en este caso nos está informando que la primera cinta a utilizar será la número 14. Suponiendo que acabamos de terminar de configurar el servicio, y todavía no se ha hecho ningún backup, nos gustaría empezar por la cinta número 1, para ello reiniciamos el cambiador de cintas de AMANDA con el comando amtape:
# su backup -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/amtape BackupUsuarios reset"
changer is reset
# su backup -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/amcheck BackupUsuarios"
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
slot 1: volume 'EtiquetaDisco01'
Will write to volume 'EtiquetaDisco01' in slot 1.
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
NOTE: host info dir /etc/amanda/BackupUsuarios/curinfo/ does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run.
NOTE: index dir /etc/amanda/BackupUsuarios/index/ does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run.
NOTE: host info dir /etc/amanda/BackupUsuarios/curinfo/ does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run.
NOTE: index dir /etc/amanda/BackupUsuarios/index/ does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run.
Server check took 0.608 seconds
Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
Client check: 2 hosts checked in 2.179 seconds. 0 problems found.
(brought to you by Amanda 3.3.6)
Lo importante de este chequeo es que no da problemas, el resto del contenido variará en función de la configuración de backup concreta.
La sintaxis general es:
amcheck NombreConfiguraciónBackup
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